Adhesion Promoter, Anti-static, Cleaner for Plastic Substrates -1 Liter Bottle
AP2155 is an adhesion promoter, anti-static and cleaner for use with UV and LED curable inks when printing on plastic substrates; Coroplast, Polystyrene, PVC and HDPE.
Eliminates finger prints from the printed surface area.
Testing is required to validate substrate, ink and adhesion.
Application Instructions for UV and LED Curable Inks:
- Wear protective gear including Latex or Nitrile gloves and safety glasses
- Use in a well ventilated area
- Transfer AP2155 to a spray bottle
- Spray AP2155 onto the substrate and wipe off with a white lint free wipe
or microfiber cloth (the substrate will feel slippery) - Load the AP2155 prepared substrate into the printer and print image
using UV or LED curable ink - Storage - AP2155 should be stored away from UV rays in conditioned space heated and cooled 72f